Two Weeks to Go!!!

on Wednesday, 07 November 2012. Posted in Book News and Reviews

Did you know - Social Media is just like SEX!

I ‘heart’ social media!

Why? Because it has changed my life, in lots of good ways.

  • Because of social media I was able to work with Ben Cohen (England Rugby Player) for five years, building his profile and then helping him to launch his post rugby career.
  • Because of social media, I have kept in touch with people and renewed friendships after years of not seeing people.
  • And, because of social media, I can now write, publish, market and sell my very first novel, Beyond Fragile Boundaries.

Gone are the days of sending off manuscript after manuscript to publishing houses across the world and receiving rejection after rejection. Now, writers have the opportunity to publish and broadcast their work and publishing houses can use social media to pick up the goodies.

Win/Win for everyone!

I follow a marketing company in the US called Hubspot. Their take on social media and everything surrounding it is awesome.

It is Hubspot who have given me the material to write my blog today, so I thought I would share.



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